Changelog 29.9 - New vehicle


I've been working on my 3d modelling skills and producing the new playable vehicle: turbo car of the engineer faction. My plans for the future is to have three factions in the complete game: technological Engineers, mystical Demon Hunters and heavily armored Templars each with their unique style and skills.

The new turbo car (maybe I'll rename that :P) is a demonstration on what kind of unique skills and themes each new vehicle will have. The vehicle in question has a skill that you could call the nitro boost's big bigger and meaner cousin. Check it out!

Changelog sept 15 - sept 29

  • New vehicle: turbo car is now the default vehicle until more are made
    • Turbo car has an utility skill that applies insane force forward for a brief time
    • (Turbo car's turbo can be activated with the left shift key on PC)
  • Created new light trail effect for vehicle back lights
  • Added new focus distance post processing effect that blurs objects that are out of focus (screen center is focus point)
  • Tweaked the desert terrain texture and added some new rock models to the map as a test
  • Tweaked fog distance
  • Tweaked the dust storm effect strength

Files 99 MB
Sep 29, 2020

Get Demon Engines Demo

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